Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Interview With a Pirate, Captain Black Jack Murphy and Pirate Songs #18



I had the pleasure of interviewing a pirate named Captain Black Jack Murphy as we started working on a CD together with Murphy on vocals and me on autoharp. Songs: "Bonnie Ship the Diamond" by Captain Black Jack Murphy from An Interview With A Pirate "The Mermaid" by Captain Black Jack Murphy from An Interview With A Pirate "Isn't It Grand, Boys?" by Captain Black Jack Murphy from An Interview With A Pirate Notes: Setting the Record Straight About Pirates Live From A Pub CD The Captain's Red Shirt Business Seminar for Individuals Seeking Advancement in Privateering Intro music by The Tea Merchants Bonnie Ship the Diamondwords and music traditional The Diamond is a ship, my ladsFor the Davis Strait we're boundThe quay it is all garnishedWith bonnie lasses 'roundCaptain Thompson gives the orderTo sail the ocean wideWhere the sun it never sets, my ladsNor darkness dims the sky For it's cheer up my ladsLet your hearts never failFor the bonnie ship the DiamondGoes a-hunting for the whale Along the quay at Pete