Being Well With Lauren

Episode 12 Being well with Lauren



In episode 12 I ask you for your input on how to structure the podcast moving forward. I suggest that we perhaps devote an episode purely to meditation, an episode purely to cuppa-side chatting and an episode to interviewing in this way you can more easily go back to your favorite meditations. What do you think?   I then explore the how and what of being well. I refer to my fitness group 'remarkableme' and their progress and I explore what is being well and how we can realistically achieve wellness in today's fast paced convenience based existence. Today many of us look for the silver bullet or the easy ‘one stop’ answer to wellness. Perhaps wellness is not an easy answer but instead a balanced evolving process requiring engagement, self kindness, and acceptance. What do you think?   I finish with a little meditation affirming our wellness.   Thank you so much to all of you. I have started a ramshackle web site. It is my own creation so pretty make shift at this stage but with time it will develop like all my