
#300DaysOfDiscipline Progress Report, Impact of Proactive Rest, Function Health Bloodwork Results, Experiencing Grief | #214



In this episode, Recovery Ray provides an update on several areas of his wellness, including a progress report on the 300 Days of Discipline challenge, his WHOOP data over the past month, the results of a recent bloodwork test through Function Health, and the grief process from losing one of his sisters. Ray started the 300 Days of Discipline challenge this year as a sustainable way to build consistent healthy habits. He is now over 100 days into the challenge and is realizing the impact of proactive rest on his mental health, physical health, and performance. By regularly taking a nap, or doing a non-sleep deep rest protocol [NSDR], Ray is creating the conditions to break old paradigms around productivity and improve his overall quality of life. Ray credits this proactive rest with what he noticed in his WHOOP data from April. His sleep performance, heart rate variability, and resting heart rate all improved. The WHOOP data also confirmed that on days when Ray incorporates non-sleep deep rest, his overnight