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Dr. Carla Marie Manly - The Joy Of Imperfect Love



Website(s): Facebook: Twitter: Who among us hasn’t, at one time or another, felt stuck in an unhealthy relationship or lamented our inability to find that “perfect” someone? Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly knows the secret to creating genuine, joy-filled relationships — and it has nothing to do with perfection. In her latest book, The Joy of Imperfect Love: The Art of Creating Healthy, Securely Attached Relationships, Dr. Manly emphasizes that real love is messy and imperfect, and she offers profound, yet easily digestible insights for building healthy relationships. Acutely aware of the role relationships play in mental health and well-being, Dr. Manly is available to share her insights with your audience. Please let me know if you are interested in scheduling an interview with Dr. Carla Marie Manly, or if you would like to see a copy of her book for interview/review/article purposes. To wa