Student Of The Gun Radio

Oops, They Did It Again: NYPD ND | SOTG 1240



If the NYPD likes anything, they like their NDs. This time a member of New York’s Finest popped off a round while clearing Columbia University of phony paid protesters. What did the NYPD spokesman have to say about the incident? Tune it.  During our Tech Talk from EOTech we will consider the BDC reticle. What is it and what is the best way to learn how to use it?  We have an SOTG Homeroom for you from There has been yet another attack in a church. This one happened in Pennsylvania. What can you do to keep your house of worship safe?   Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Send an Email Send a Text Call Us Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE NEW NICHOLAS ORR BOOK - Huge thanks to our Partners: EOTech | FrogLube | Hi-Point Firearms | Spike’s Tactical [0:04:34] EOTech Talk - TOPIC: Using a BDC Reti