Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-5-13



news birthdays/events when you see a mistake in a movie or tv show...does it ruin the rest of it? word of the day news what's your first reaction when someone says "Can we talk" if you're trying to eat a healthy REALLY need to try hard to do it most useless inventions...these things actuall have patents!! news game: quiz game: feud top 10 unusual things left on a plane news game: calendar a day trivia Listener feedback break... goodbye/fun facts....national frog jumping day....In 1865, Mark Twain published his first short story, Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog. Later, he changed the name and published it as The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.  While fans of Mark Twain or perhaps the Calaveras County Fair might have you believe frog jumping competitions only happen in Calaveras County, that's just not true. Frog jumping contests been happening in other states and municipalities since 1865. The current frog jumping record was set in 1986 by Rosie the Ribeter, who jumped 21 feet, 5-3