Notre Dame Stories

Kate the Chemist: A passion for science education



Kate Biberdorf is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Texas. These days, she's better known as Kate the Chemist. Her explosive and entertaining experiments have taken her from the college campus to network television. In this episode of Notre Dame Stories, host Jenna Liberto talks with Kate about her passion for teaching audiences of all ages to fall in love with scientific discovery and what she plans to share at the College of Science's annual Christmas lecture. Watch the interview --- Notre Dame Stories is the official podcast of the University of Notre Dame. It was created by the Office of Public Affairs and Communications, written and produced by Andy Fuller, with content coordination from Staci Stickovich. This episode was edited by Michael Wiens with videography by Tony Fuller and Zach Dudka. Original music is by Alex Mansour. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit