Community Solutions Podcast

Episode 308- Descending Into Chaos


Synopsis It’s been a while, thanks to a technical meltdown at Comm Solutions HQ. We will not be kept down! We’ve got a couple of back episodes to release, but we’re storming forward. In this episode, we discuss the passing of Senator Joe Lieberman, and his mark on the future of the Democratic Party. They have drifted so far since the days when senators like Mr Lieberman were welcome in the now super radical party. Speaking of which, we are losing a ton of farmland to the ultra rich and to the government… and apparently Minnesota is trying to give a bunch of state land “back” to Native Americans. The crazies are definitely running the DFL. The United States is playing a dangerous game with their support for Israel and/or Hamas/Hezbolla/Houthis/Iran. They are playing both sides and it is going to come back to bite us in the heinie. We went on the record at the time this was recorded to predict that the protests in this country are going to get ugly. Spoiler alert: they have. Jason went down to t