Hidden Forces

How I Grew My Brain With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Scott Sherr



In Episode 362 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Dr. Scott Sherr, an expert in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, about how this transformative therapeutic can reverse aging, improve cardiovascular health, regrow brain tissue, and extend the length and quality of your life in ways that are truly extraordinary. Demetri’s inspiration for this episode results from a personal journey that he’s been on for the last several months. In December of last year, he shared a story with his newsletter subscribers about his decision to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy to help regrow his brain and reverse possible symptoms from brain radiation treatment. For those of you who don’t know, Demetri is a brain tumor survivor and has written and spoken about it extensively. What you’re going to learn about in today’s conversation with Dr. Scott Sherr is not just how that experience went and how it helped Demetri reverse the symptoms he was experiencing but whether or not it can help you and how extraordinary hyperbaric o