New York Muscle Radio Podcast

Overcoming Plateaus to make gains forever: Episode 198



One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to fitness is spinning my wheels. It absolutely grinds my gears when I hit a platuea and begin to stall. On todays episode we are going to give you our tricks on avoid platueas forever! If you are a new listener welcome to the best muscle building, fat burning, no BS fitness show on the planet! Make sure you hit that subscribe button right away so you don’t miss a beat. Also be sure to grab your free 12 week training program That’s right guys its Big Petes turn! My cohost Big Pete’s 28th birthday is Sept 3rd. The big guy is one step closer to 30. I think he is starting to get nervous about the big 3-0.   I was so worried about turning 30 but really age is just a number. I honestly forgot about the number lol. In order to help celebrate Petes 28th birthday we are doing 28% off our entire store!!!!   That’s right 28% off your favorite supplements like Coffein, Whey, BCAAs and our new Fat Burner THERMO! Even our paid in full coaching