Bonsai Stuff

Season 6 Episode 17 - Annual Olive Bonsai Dig, Now Better Than Never, Things to Watch for Now



So an idea has grown into reality with the first Annual Olive Bonsai dig hosted by the South Australian Bonsai Society and all the details are in this podcast. What it is, how you can get involved and when. Get your hands on some true, legal Yamadori!If you are interested then you must register your interest via email - secretary.sabonsai@gmail.comAlso, I think it's never too late to start something with your bonsai. Now is much better than never. Things to watch out for right now around your bonsai as you inspect them and work on them.  Support the Show.Become a podcast supporter and show the Bonsai Love (it's really appreciated) ❤️ to find Bonsai Matsu:InstagramFacebookYouTube Web