Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

622: Deanna Fierman – Unwrapping all the colors of the relationship rainbow.



Not sure monogamy is for you, but an open relationship scares you, but you do know something isn't working, and you know you just can't love only one person and make it work. Rather than assume it is all about sex, we're here today to have an open dialogue about all the ways to love and be in relationships. Deanna Fierman of All The Colors Counseling helps us see all the colors of the relationship rainbow in a healthy way. About Deanna Deanna Fierman is a licensed professional counselor in Colorado who established All The Colors Counseling and Consulting to provide a welcoming space for non-monogamous and LGBTQ+ individuals, couples, and polycules seeking support. Deanna has practiced psychotherapy in a wide variety of clinical settings since 2010, and has been an advocate, educator, consultant, and researcher in queer communities for decades. Connect With Deanna Website