The Georgia Politics Podcast

An Eyewitness to History: Sherry Marschink and the 1976 Republican Convention



Welcome to The Georgia Politics Podcast! On today’s show we are going back in time to the last great Republican National Convention: 1976. The 1976 Republican National Convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri, and showcased a fierce battle for the party's nomination between incumbent President Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, the former Governor of California. Ford narrowly clinched the nomination after a tense floor fight, highlighting deep divisions within the party between its moderate and conservative wings. Despite Reagan's spirited challenge, Ford ultimately emerged as the nominee, setting the stage for a heated general election against Democrat Jimmy Carter. Joining us on the show to discuss is Sherry Shealy Martschink, who was a delegate from South Carolina, served on the vital Rules Committee, and spoke to the nation against a seminal rules change that helped decide the Presidential nomination. Ms. Martschink, a native of South Carolina, was a junior at the University of South Carolina when she was