A Duck In A Tree

A Duck in a Tree 2024-05-04 | Some More Than Others



The 617th of a series of weekly radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: First broadcast 4 May 2024 by Resonance 104.4 FM and CJMP 90.1 FM Thanks to the artists included here for their fine work. track list 00 :zoviet*france: - Intro 01 Blanket Swimming - Waves Crash and Reform 02 Glod / Ramond / Kugel - Basalte 03 Luís Antero - Portão (Oliveira do Hospital) 04 Dimitris Tsironis - Homo Sapius ⋮ Min Mara 05 Hiroshimabend - The Shepherd of the Downland 06 RL Huber - Inverted Horizon 07 Chris Watson - A Journey South [extract – orcas] 08 San Gabriel - SGG TS1 D 09 Enrico Coniglio - Flooded 00 :zoviet*france: - Outro