Disruptive Ceo Nation

Episode 246: Navigating Innovation from the Earth to the Stars with Shayna Solis, CEO of Navteca - Washington DC, USA



Shayna Solis is a creative soul applying her vision and dreams to shake up technology applications through her company Navteca. Focusing on emerging tech and IT innovation, like cloud, ML/AI, and virtual reality, Navteca develops technical solutions for government clients like NASA, NOAA, and the Spain Ministry of Tourism. Shayna's vision for Navteca extends beyond business success, aiming to leverage technology, particularly AI and data visualization, to address pressing global challenges like climate change. Here are the highlights of our talk: - Voice Atlas Revolutionizes Access to Knowledge: Navteca's Voice Atlas is a product born out of their exploration of natural language processing and AI. Initially piloted with NASA, Voice Atlas enables users to access designated knowledge bases securely and seamlessly through voice-enabled devices, revolutionizing information accessibility and usability. - A Twist on the Path to Being a Founder: Shayna's journey to becoming a tech entrepreneur wasn't linear. With