The Sonya Looney Show

Play Your Way to Peak Performance with Dr. Elaine O'Brien



Play is more powerful than you may think. I had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredible Dr. Elaine O'Brien to explore the wonderful world of play in our adult lives. Elaine shared the countless ways that play can enhance our well-being, boost our performance, and fuel our personal growth. We talked about breaking through barriers that keep us from embracing play, like judgment and busyness, and shared practical tips for infusing more playfulness into our daily routines. Plus, Elaine shared fascinating insights from her research on using movement and dance to promote well-being in older adults. So, if you're ready to rediscover the joy of play and unlock a happier, healthier life, then you won't want to miss this conversation. You'll walk away with actionable steps to make a difference in your life. You deserve it! Here are a few key takeaways: - Play is important for well-being, resilience, and performance- Having a playful mindset can help balance serious goals and prevent burnout- Character streng