Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

239: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out (# 3 of 3)



As the world turns and shifts, things seem to go sideways, uncertainty rises, intensity & anxiety wratches up, how do you stay centered, calm and clear? How do you work WITH the energy vs be WORKED OVER by the energy?  These are fundamental inquiries and practices we have been exploring and implementing here at Feminine Power Time since we started this podcast in 2016 ... because we are in transformational times, and during such times, we need access to insight, tools and wisdom to dance through. Consider this: What if this cycle of time is about breaking free of systemic and self created patterns that no longer serve? So we can rise into realities rooted in harmony, sustainability, wholeness and connection? And while there may be forces that would do anything to keep things the same, the force of our collective heart power has the ability to lead the way forward into a better world for people & planet?  This is not wishful thikning or spiritual bypassing. It's co-creating the next while we stabilize