Novel Marketing

Speak, Engage, and Inspire: Secrets of Entertaining & Educational Webinars that Sell



Author Media has a list of over 10,000 subscribers, and around half of them open our emails, which means our open rates hover around 50%. That’s a high open rate!It’s partly because new subscribers join our email list through webinars I present for writers and authors. By the end of each webinar, attendees know enough to want to open emails from Author Media and me. Plus, the comments, questions, and polls associated with the webinar allow me to get to know my audience better.If you want to get to know your “Timothy” and grow your email list by adding subscribers who want to open your emails, it might be time for you to host a webinar.But how do you deliver webinars readers want to attend?In this week’s episode, you’ll learn 12 tips for hosting educational and entertaining webinars people want to attend.You’ll learnHow to capture and retain your attendees’ attentionHow much time to spend on your presentation or Q&AWhat to do after the webinar to continue to the attendeesListen in or check out the blog ver