Hvac School - For Techs, By Techs

LIVE From the ACCA Conference 2024



This episode was recorded live on location at the 2024 ACCA conference in Orlando. Bryan starts by interviewing Marissa, a co-founder of Conduit Tech, a software company providing load calculation and sales tools for HVAC contractors. Marissa shares insights into what it takes for contractors to successfully adopt new technology in their businesses. She emphasizes the importance of having support at multiple levels of the company, a willingness to thoroughly learn the new software, and providing feedback to the developers. Marissa stresses that Conduit actively seeks input from contractors to continue improving their product's workflow integration. Learn more about Conduit Tech at https://getconduit.com/.  In the second segment, Bryan talks to Martin Hoover, the incoming chair of ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America). Martin discusses the value ACCA provides through training, advocacy, and facilitating peer group interactions. He highlights how ACCA conferences allow contractors to learn from industr