The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

412: Five Cool Ways Essential Oils Can Holistically Support Hormone Health



What You’ll Learn: In this episode, I wanted to expand on how essential oils can support healthy hormones in a holistic and integrative way. Since essential oils have multiple mechanisms of action, and contain hundreds of biological compounds, this podcast could have gone on for an inordinate amount of time. Thankfully, I narrowed it down to five key areas within a 30 minute time span. Here’s a summary of the key points.  An overview of the five key ways essential oils benefit hormones (2 min) The many factors that relate to hormonal balance that essential oils can influence, due to their multiple mechanism (3 min) How stress impacts hormones (8.40 min) The five ways essential oils affect hormones through modulating stress (9.30 min) Essential oils that balance cortisol levels (12.30 min) Essential oils that impact the vagus nerve and how why this supports the stress response (14.30 min) How essential oils influence our emotions and how this relates to hormonal balance (16.30 min) Why “exercising our