Radio Free Tote Bag

#303 Dono Upsets Everyone feat. John Cullen



Oh no Donovan's got news! No spoilers! Here's a spoiler though we're joined this week by John Cullen from Blocked Party and What Is A Jeopardy Podcast!   Friends with both sides post-breakup - how to handle social event invitations | How to navigate accidentally getting one your partners pregnant in a poly relationship | Feeling not-put-together at 29 | Anxious about getting back into dating after not having sex for 14 years   Thanks again to John for joining us, what a homie! Listen to Blocked Party and What Is A Jeopardy Podcast whever you listen to us. And find the link to John's upcoming show below: Broomgate: A Curling Scandal -   And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at as well as other neat bonus stuff! Wow!