Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E54: Earth's Ancient Shield: Unearthing the Origins of Our Magnetic Field



Dive into the cosmic depths with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 54, where we journey back 3.7 billion years to uncover the oldest evidence of Earth's magnetic field. Join us as we explore pristine ancient rocks from Greenland, revealing a magnetic strength similar to today's, and potentially extending the known age of our planet's protective shield by hundreds of millions of years. This discovery could illuminate the early conditions that fostered life on Earth and the enduring power source behind our magnetic field.The volcanic spectacle continues as we venture to Jupiter's moon Io, unveiling that it has been a hotbed of volcanic activity for its entire 4.57 billion-year existence. The sulfur and chlorine isotopes in Io's atmosphere, analyzed through the Alma radio telescope, attest to a history of relentless eruptions powered by Jupiter's immense gravitational pull.Witness the marvels of the solar corona as we recap the scientific endeavors during the recent solar eclipse that graced North America. From soundi