Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

You Have A Choice - Episode 2482



Episode 2482 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss a great idea for playing outdoors, how you have a choice in how you show up, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - You Have A Choice There’s a music quiz for Gina, as well as some movie trivia. (2:00) Gina wants to tell Vinnie about these fitness suggestions. (11:00) There is an eco-park with ziplines and outdoor "gym" in Corona, CA. Vinnie is a huge fan of this kind of activity, especially anything outdoors. Gina loved seeing how many kids were there; the kids were enjoying it. (18:30) Vinnie reminisces what he and his buddies would do for fun. Gina has been working at her new treadmill desk. (30:00) You need to get up and move around while working from home. She has noticed an immense difference in how she feels throughout the day. There has been a slack in societal standards; for example, wearing pajamas i