Bossed Up

Redefining Success: Women and the Fight for a Fair Economy



We’re in the midst of unprecedented times, where corporations prioritize short-term profits over the long-term health of their organizations, clients, and employees. Wage and wealth gaps grow ever-larger, and a few billionaires hoard an obscene amount of money while more and more people struggle just to get by. The upcoming book Fair Shake: Women and the Fight to Build a Just Economy, which my guest June Carbone co-authored with Naomi Cahn and Nancy Levit, explores the history, politics, and legality of how we got to where we are today, the impact this system has on women and the quest for gender equality, and the efforts being made to reverse these trends. Explore what past and present corporate research can teach us about where we’re headed:Where did our winner-take-all economy come from?How does this profits-first, people-last approach impact women?What is the triple bind befalling women leaders today?How do we start rebuilding a positive-sum economic culture of collectivism?Related Links:Pre-order ‘Fair S