Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Abducted Kidnapped and Molested Multiple Times As A Juvenile. Her Powerful Warning and Amazing Recovery



Abducted Kidnapped and Molested Multiple Times As A Juvenile. Her Powerful Warning and Amazing Recovery. At the vulnerable ages of twelve and fourteen, Broberg fell victim to the sinister intentions of a trusted family acquaintance. The depth of manipulation and betrayal that she endured is staggering, as her abductor exploited the trust of her family to commit heinous acts. These traumatic experiences have been meticulously documented in her mother Mary Ann Broberg's book, "Stolen Innocence: The Jan Broberg Story," as well as in the revealing documentary "Abducted in Plain Sight" and the compelling drama miniseries "A Friend of the Family." Jan Broberg is our guest. Her life is a testament to resilience and courage in the face of unimaginable adversity. Abducted and kidnapped multiple times as a juvenile by a family friend, her story serves as both a powerful warning and an inspiring tale of recovery. You can listen to this in Apple Podcasts or most major podcast platforms. Despite the trauma she endured, Br