Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Retired DEA Agent Shot and Left Blind. His Story and Inspiring Life. Special Episode.



Retired DEA Agent Shot and Left Blind. His Story and Inspiring Life. Special Episode. He shares his remarkable journey of overcoming adversity. While serving in Afghanistan as part of the DEA's FAST (SWAT) team, tasked with combatting the heroin industry, he faced numerous violent encounters with the Taliban.  You can listen to this in Apple Podcasts, our website or most major podcast platforms. Retied DEA Agent Joe Piersante embodies resilience after surviving a gunshot to the head in Afghanistan. Despite enduring severe injuries that left him blind, his story is one of inspiration and motivation. Piersante, a retired DEA agent with 23 years of service, during one mission, he  was shot through the head by a Taliban sniper, an incident that many believed would be fatal. Miraculously, with the aid of skilled medical teams, he survived, though he lost his sight as a result of the injury. Retired DEA Agent Shot and Left Blind. His Story and Inspiring Life. Piersante's determination to thrive despite his blindnes