Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #1696 – Peaches Christ, You Smell Terrific!



Of all our senses, smell may well be the most emotionally powerful. It isn’t just about detecting what’s cooking on the stove or who dealt that silent but deadly fart, smell allows our minds to connect with memories from the past, to quickly assess danger and is key to the way we think about how things taste.Considering how important the sense of smell is, you’d think more people would pay closer attention to it. Today, the sweet scented Peaches Christ joins us to talk about smell, and why so many drag queens are so stinky! What causes us to smell so bad, and how to freshen up your costumes, wigs, and your very own body to smell your very best.PEACHES CHRIST: http://peacheschrist.com/Plus–➤ Our favorite smells and how companies use scents to get us to buy more shit.➤ Chinese pilots get their armpits sniffed during job interviews.➤ Edible perfume?➤ Things that make you smell bad from the inside out.➤ And some simple fixes to smell like a rose.