The Marie Forleo Podcast

397 - How To Sell Anything to Anyone (5 Psychological Triggers)



The world is noisier than ever. So how do you get someone to actually pay attention? If nobody's buying what you're selling, you don’t need a ton of followers or slimy sales tactics. All you need are these 5 proven techniques to get people to whip out their credit cards and BUY NOW.   WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE: The shocking reason your customers ignore you Marie’s secret headline trick that gets the click How to instantly create more trust with your customers An easy storytelling strategy that boosts credibility  The WORST sales advice I’ve ever heard How to get 90% of people to buy The “screenshot method” to get a flood of social proof How to get great testimonials if you’re brand new to business The sales superpower that helps you change lives AND make bank Thanks for listening! New episodes drop every Tuesday. Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.