Father Simon Says

Are You Saved - April 18, 2024



Bible Study: (2:17) Acts 8:26-40 Why do we prepare people for Baptism?  Jn 6:44-51 Are you saved?  Letters Father discusses ‘being wrong’ about yesterday’s show (24:40) – I went to mass where they kneel and stand during different times (in Mexico) why?  (30:44) – I agree with Fr. Simon that being born is a process  (31:35) – Who chooses vestment colors?  Word of the Day: Teach (35:57) Callers  (40:00) – Is it okay for lay people to knock on doors, just like Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons.   (41:56) – Why was it bad for Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge  (44:55) – In our congregation, we do go on knocking on doors and we go twice a week. (49:26) – We have a visiting priest and he lifts the ciborium instead of the host?