Tough Girl Podcast

Emma Hull - Unleashing Confidence, Embracing Change, and Fearlessly Pursuing Adventure and Dreams with Life Untethered



In this episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of Emma Hull, a confidence coach who discovered her true potential in her 40s and embarked on a transformative path towards self-empowerment. From grappling with anxiety and self-doubt to embracing a life of purpose and fulfilment, Emma's story is one of resilience, courage, and unwavering determination. Emma's journey to confidence began with a desire for change, fuelled by a reluctance to rely on medication for anxiety and depression indefinitely. With a commitment to self-improvement, she gradually introduced yoga into her routine, finding solace in the safety of a supportive environment that allowed her to embrace vulnerability and authenticity. Seeking guidance from a life coach, Emma embarked on a healing journey, realising that the power to effect change lay within her own hands. Amidst the tumult of the pandemic, she made the life-altering decision to leave her marriage and relocate to Canada, where she discovered a newfound sense of freedom and in