Financial Quarterback Josh Jalinski

Episode 11 - How to Protect Your Wealth from Silent Destroyers



What hidden forces are silently chipping away at your financial health? In this episode, Josh delves into the silent destroyers of wealth such as inflation, taxation, market fluctuations, and unpredictable life events. Using the vivid analogy of how mold can spoil fresh oranges, Jalinski explains how these factors can similarly erode your financial stability without warning. Jalinski introduces "macro money management" as a strategy to combat these risks. This approach emphasizes viewing financial planning through a wider lens, taking into account the dynamic and unpredictable nature of financial markets and personal circumstances. He explains the use of a game board and rule book, managed by a "macro manager," to create a financial strategy that operates more like an orchestra than a solo act, ensuring all parts work in harmony. Josh underscores the importance of collaboration among various financial specialists—tax, legal, and investment advisors—to craft a robust and cohesive financial plan that may withs