Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

5 Minute Torah - Metzorah - Healing The Leper



Did Yeshua come to disrupt the religious system of Judaism and replace it with a new religion called Christianity? He seemed to always be at odds with the religious people of his day. He confronted the religous authorities. He drove the money changers from the Temple. He contrasted the “old” way of doing things with his “new” way. But if that’s the case, why did Yeshua send the leper to the priests for inspection after he healed him? If he was already healed and Yeshua was coming to replace the priesthood—as many claim—why did he send him back to the priests “for a proof to them”? Was he really as much of a renegade as we’ve made him out to be? Let’s find out in this week’s 5 Minute Torah. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Websi