Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Was Her Sickness Caused By Domestic Violence? She Says Yes.



Was Her Sickness Caused By Domestic Violence? She Says Yes. Her sickness, she claims, was indeed caused by domestic violence, a truth she now openly acknowledges. For years, she endured the torment of walking on eggshells to maintain an illusion of peace, but the toll on her mental health was severe. It wasn't until a psychiatrist delivered the verdict: her marriage was the source of her illness. Debbie Griffiths recounts the harrowing years of her life, marked by domestic violence and insidious gaslighting. She paints a vivid picture of the relentless emotional abuse, the sporadic yet terrifying instances of physical violence, and the constant barrage of blame and control from her spouse that drove her to the brink. Was Her Sickness Caused By Domestic Violence? She Says Yes.  But Debbie's story doesn't end in despair. She shares her journey to freedom, detailing the arduous process of leaving her abusive marriage and rebuilding her life from the ground up. With resilience and determination, she forged a new