Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-19



news birthdays/events fun ways to remember your vacations (besides buying a t-shirt or coffee cup) word of the day news how to be more focused do you like to do things in silence or have background noise.  what do you use for background noise? game: password news gadgets that were "on their way out" 15 years ago..but they're still around if you were in charge of the world...what would you do to make it a better place? game: drum intro songs news 2024's list of things left in ubers game: movie titles in 3 words goodbye/fun facts....National Garlic Day....this bulbous flowering plant has been around since the ancient Egyptians...they used it as currency.  garlic is also known as the stinking rose. it's a member of the lily family which includes onions, leeks, and shallots. It can be sweet — through caramelization and roasting. It can be buttery and savory — through sautéing. It can be pungent and sharp — through slicing it raw. No matter how you slice, sauté, or roast it, garlic is a truly multifaceted plant...