Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Changing Unhealthy Patterns In Parenting & Coaching Other Parents with Candice Cochrane S7 E2



SPECIAL RELEASE LOCAL EPISODE! Grew up in a home with an alcoholic mom who I KNOW loved me but because of the circumstances, I was forced into unhealthy coping mechanisms (people pleasing, magical "empath" qualities, constantly questioning my inner voice and compass) One day I realized I was communicating with my kids the way she communicated with me...not healthy communication patterns AT ALL I realized I was parenting with the unwritten generational parenting handbook that my ancestors passed down to me without me even knowing it. Although I swore I wouldn’t be my mom, I did in fact, become my mother.  Started researching and learning about different ways to parent, friends and family sought parenting advice and guidance so I decided to look into becoming a coach Changing the way I parent has completely transformed the bond I have with my kids and it started with ME!  ABOUT CANDICE: I own Parents of Presence and I am a parent coach.  I provide support for parents who simply want