Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

what 3 things do you think helps with coming across as yourself and not a persona. & Q&A No.143



How many different mediums would you suggest using? The more the better but what would you say is the minimum to build relationship and display your value? For example: gym floor, email, facebook, instagram, posters etc What are some other ways of delivering content on social media? I've been doing 45-60s talking to camera reels and carousels but feel the need to mix things up delivery wise How would you best keep track of clients current wants, needs, goals and all these individual elements if you tend to be a little bit forgetful?! If you were to start social media again, would there be anything you would do differently and what 3 things do you think helps with coming across as yourself and not a persona. I am taking too long to do things - it takes hours rather than minutes. I also go into way too much detail and struggle to keep things simple. I think more is better. I also talk too much. How can I reframe my thoughts into thinking less is better? Client goes on holiday and misses 1, ma