D&d Journey Of The Fifth Edition

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 10- To slit the sleeping throat or not is the question?



D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 10- To slit the sleeping throat or not is the question? Join us in our next part in the D&D 5th edition Starter set: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join our Adventure party Gary (Thrain Gunderson), Jocelynne (Lady Corlynn), Kellie (Tilda), Kerrie (Gaelen the Gallant) and Xander (Salaton Leaton). Join our adventure as we have a 'conversation' with Droop a captive goblin and head deeper into the Red Brands hideout. Quote: 'I'm stupidly daring!'