D&d Journey Of The Fifth Edition

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 12- The Unlikely fellowship!



D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 12- The Unlikely fellowship! Join us in our next part in the D&D 5th edition Starter set: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join our Adventure party Gary (Thrain Gunderson), Jocelynne (Lady Corlynn), Kellie (Tilda), Kerrie (Gaelen the Gallant) and Xander (Salaton Leaton). Join our group as we cover a few questions and vote on the group names our fans sent into us for the group. Thank you for the emails! Join the Adventures as they set off hot on the heels of the Red Brands who fled their burning hide out! Character sheets up for viewing on the character tab: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com Quote: 'to be fair we did put the fire out initially the first time...' 'we're the T.U.F. team!'