D&d Journey Of The Fifth Edition

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 23-The clearing of Cragmaw Castle... or Squeek does happen!



D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 23-The clearing of  Cragmaw Castle... or Squeek does happen! https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork?ref=hl Join us in our next part in the D&D 5th edition Starter set: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join our Adventure party Jocelynne (Lady Corlynn), Kellie (Tilda), Kerrie (Gaelen the Gallant) Gary (Thrain Gunderson) Xander (Salaton Leaton) and Hogar (Jazz). As our adventurers push to get the Drow and cleanse Cragmaw Castle! beware at 18:30 there is titter! Quotes:                                                                                                                                                                        'Almost like it was a plot device why she wasn't there.' ' That's the problem with great armor, With Great Armor comes...'. '...the hobgoblin show!' 'I like your magic staff!'