Tough Girl Podcast

Dr. Meera Velankar  - Scientist turned tandem cyclist. Exploring India since 2015. First woman to complete India’s Golden Quadrilateral, which connects Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata, on a tandem bike (6,000km in 41 days).



Dr. Meera Velankar, a mother of two with a doctorate in life sciences, embarked on a transformative journey over a decade ago. Feeling unfit and discontent, she turned to cycling, becoming a seasoned endurance athlete since.  Her achievements include completing numerous running and cycling events, earning the title of an Ironman 70.3 finisher, and conquering the Super Randonneur norm three times, with a podium finish at the Tour of Nilgiris. In 2022, Meera made history by setting a Guinness World Record for a self-supported cycling journey from Agra to Umlingla, covering a distance of 1,835 km in 19 days, 7 hours, and 18 minutes. This remarkable feat, accomplished with Utkarsh Verma, traversed five passes with an elevation of 19,000 meters, equivalent to climbing Mount Everest twice. During this podcast, Meera shares insights into her journey, emphasising the importance of setting goals and pushing boundaries. Drawing inspiration from fellow cyclists, she advocates for spending more time outdoors and pursuing