Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

From Centralized to Collaborative, Cultivating Independent Agile Teams | Tom Baldwin



Tom Baldwin: From Centralized to Collaborative, Cultivating Independent Agile Teams Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: As Tom steps into a team entangled with centralized communication and decision-making issues, he shares his strategic approach to fostering team independence and effective communication, especially during a managerial hiatus. Key strategies include direct dialogue among team members, engaging leadership in problem-solving discussions, and advocating for managerial coaching, drawing upon a real-life transformation where team autonomy and progress shine despite initial resistance. Featured Book of the Week: The Scrum Field Guide by Mitch Lacey Tom sheds light on the pivotal role The Scrum Field Guide by Mitch Lacey played in his Scrum Master journey, emphasizing its approachability and practical insights into role expectations, task decomposi