She Renovates

4 - How to Hold Your Own When Working with Trades



Renovating and construction remain a very male-dominated world which can be quite daunting for many women. In this episode, we take a look at the source of the “tension” which I believe is not a gender gambit more a skills gap and give you some practical tips for building confidence as a female renovator.   On today’s episode, Bernadette discusses working with trades as a woman renovator Bernadette covers,   A look back at her initiation with renovating with her husband and business partner, Stephen Janson How she and Stephen started renovating by doing the excavation of their own home themselves Her first experience as a woman supervising her husband, the trades, and the whole  renovation project How to work on your mindset and be positive about working and communicating with your trades Why you need to build your confidence and trust your supervising skills Creating a process for selecting trades and getting quotes The importance of being organized and why your trades will love you for it Becoming efficie