Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Almonds Drive Recovery Following Sudden Physical Exertion:  BEST OF Jan 2023



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5tsz3NLceS/ Those regularly consuming almonds in advance of unexpected, sudden vigorous exercise report less fatigue and muscle soreness as well as better leg and back strength. North Carolina investigators report this association following their randomized study of 64 middle aged men and women.   The experimental group ate 57 grams of almonds daily for one month before the 90 minute exercise challenge while the controls ate fiber bars.  The almond-eater’s reduced pain and suffering was associated with 69% higher muscle levels of agents that stimulate faster metabolic recovery.  The investigators attribute this phenomenon to the polyphenols in almond skins.   So, do exercise consistently.  To minimize the pain associated with planned and unplanned physical exertion, empty those jars of almonds.   https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.1042719/full   #almonds #exercise #pain #soreness #polyphenols