Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 300 Celebrating 300!



Today marks our 300th episode! I am so happy to celebrate this milestone with you! We started this podcast in January of 2018 and have released an episode almost every week for over 6 years. I am deeply grateful for the 160 guests and 140 stories that capture my own personal reflections and observations, that help me evolve spiritually. Even in the midst of political unrest, personal and collective trauma, chaos, hatred, violence and war, I marvel at the human spirit: the ability of people to find ways to live from compassion, forgiveness, connection and gratitude. So thanks for listening, for supporting my desire to focus on people and stories that uplift and inspire. Thanks for joining me in focusing our energy on that which heals and sustains us on our life journeys. Honored to partner with you as we each radiate love and light out into the world. Enjoy the podcast!