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Dr. L. Ayu Saraswati - Scarred


Synopsis an insightful and transformative work that is poised to make a significant impact on discussions surrounding feminism and the human experience of pain. Dr. L. Ayu Saraswati, an award-winning author and professor in women, gender, and sexuality studies at the University of Hawai`i, has recently released her latest book, "Scarred: A Feminist Journey Through Pain." [Published by NYU Press April 25, 2023, and available on eBook for $34.80, Paperback for $36.70, and a hardback for $152.00] Key Points of the Book: "Scarred" is a genre-bending exploration that seamlessly blends memoir and scholarly criticism, offering thought-provoking theories and life-transforming perspectives on pain, particularly in relation to feminism. Dr. Saraswati challenges conventional notions of pain by reframing it as a "transnational feminist object." Drawing from her personal experiences traveling across twenty countries in just over a year, the book invites readers to contemplate how they can live with pai