Tell Me Your Story

Peter Wright - Exploring past life and self discovery



Robert – the Analytical Client Who Did Not Believe in God Introduction I'd like to focus today on a recent client who has given me permission to share the highlights of our recent session. I’ve changed his name to ensure anonymity. Robert is a former attorney who is Jewish. He described himself as very analytical. He told me that he had never believed in the Afterlife and he had no belief in God. The Presenting Issues for Robert Robert is 81 years old and is very much aware of his mortality. Since he did not believe in God, he wanted proof that his Soul will continue after he physically dies. Robert also hoped to find out why growing up he had had such a terrible relationship with his parents -- especially with his Dad. Both parents had died long ago. In addition, Robert was curious about a dream that he had had numerous times. In this dream, he was trying to get home or get someplace. “I'm lost and can't find my way and people won't help me.” During this session, we released the chi