Strength Chat By Kabuki Strength

Architect of Resilience #013: Tamara Walcott talks with Chris Duffin



In today's episode 13, we're excited to welcome Tamara Walcott, a powerhouse of positivity and determination. Tamara, a world-class powerlifter with a heart as fierce as her lifts, shares her inspiring story of transformation and empowerment. Joining our host, Chris Duffin, Tamara delves into her plans to break records at her own upcoming competition, the Walcott Records, where she aims to elevate powerlifting to the world stage. We'll unpack the muscle and mindset that powers Tamara—from challenging conventional wisdom on strength and body image to her passionate coaching of women through her "Power Mommy Program." Chris Duffin, innovator and strength philosopher, explores what it means to be an 'Architect of Resilience' alongside Tamara, as they delve into the essence of strength, both in lifting and in life. So, get pumped, find your mantra, and join us for this compelling episode as we break down barriers, lift up spirits, and push the boundaries of what's possible with Tamara Walcott. Website: https://ww