Vince Coakley Podcast

Remembering Janey Thompson



Tune in here for this Thursday episode of the Vince Coakley Radio Program.  We start the show by remembering Janey Thompson, the daughter of Good Morning BT host Bo Thompson, who passed away on Tuesday night. Later Vince talks about some of the headlines of the day and explains why he's more and more convinced that the Republican party is "ideologically bankrupt," + why he thinks it's a problem. He also talks about the failure of a surveillance bill is another blow to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson's tenuous hold on the position. We also share the breaking news of the death of O.J. Simpson. In the second half of the program Vince asks for prayers for a loved one before talking about what he's seen from Republicans in response to the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, with the battle in Arizona over a Civil War-era abortion ban getting a lot of national attention + responds to a viral video about the high cost of living. See for privacy information.