Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/10/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has never been lower because the American public is on to them. There was a shooting in Philadelphia during a Ramadan event and the media was ready to use it to push their agenda until it turned out to be unrelated and did not fit their narrative. Also, President Trump’s campaign is picking up steam and so are the attacks from the Democrat media mouthpieces. What has been done to Trump by the media, the law, and the justice system has never been done to anyone before. Meanwhile, President Biden is supported by the corporatists and billionaires who make money from government regulations and will do or say anything to get a vote. Our enemies like China, Iran, and Russia are rooting for Biden to win because he is destroying America from within. Later, Cesar Chavez was very anti-immigration and would be strongly opposed to Biden’s open border, which is why it is ironic that Biden h