Father Simon Says

Man After God’s Own Heart - April 15, 2024



Bible Study: (1:42) Acts 6:8-15 Father shares his theory about Act and the Gospel of Luke  Jn 6:22-29 What is the real work of God?  Letters  (19:09) – How is David after God’s own heart?  (28:44) – Communion service  Word of the Day: Crown (31:36) Callers (33:11) – Jesus descended into hell, could you explain?   (37:42) – How the average Jew could’ve possibly known that every sacrifice and liturgical ceremony pointed to Christ? (45:09) – Could you explain Numbers 22: 21-39 to me?  (48:58) – My father recently passed away, and he wasn’t Christian. Should I have baptized him? Original Air Date – April 24, 2023